Letter to the Editor

If anyone is 'godless,' it's Ann Coulter

To the editor:

I recently read a letter concerning Ann Coulter, the author of numerous scathing political works. Let me enlighten the man who praised her. Ann Coulter is as crazy as they come. She is the right-wing "It" girl simply because of her bleached hair and her striking similarities to an anorexia patient. Perhaps the peroxide has seeped too deep into her brain, because her comments are becoming more outlandish, and her appearance is causing her to look more and more ill. Perhaps if Coulter would eat a sandwich while thinking up these ideas of godless liberalism, she'd realize how wrong she was. But then, of course, she wouldn't be selling books to gullible customers who will believe everything this woman has to say.

I took great offense when I saw the title of her recently published book, "Godless." She might as well have placed a burning cross in my front yard. How dare she say that liberals are godless! And for that matter, how dare anyone make that remark. Coulter is taking her campaign of low punches and idiotic insults too far. An example is her recent comment on the widows of men killed in the Sept. 11 attacks -- that they were enjoying their husbands' deaths. What kind of person with a brain the size of a peanut would say such a thing, regardless of political agenda? Whatever mental asylum Ann Coulter was released from should be sued. And if anyone were godless, it would be her.

CATHERINE HAYWARD, Cape Girardeau, Mo.