Letter to the Editor

Holden's plan is positive, encouraging

To the editor:

After Gov. Bob Holden's press conference at Jackson High School, I was asked by a Southeast Missourian reporter what my concerns were. I answered about education in general: "I don't want to seem critical, but anything that takes teachers out of the classroom can't be a good thing for students. I feel compassionate for the schools who are underfunded in the first place and the teachers have to be everything to everyone." Those are still my concerns for education reforms, not Governor Holden's plan.

The things I said that were not quoted: I very much appreciate that Governor Holden has made the commitment to put education first. I am grateful that he wants to fully fund the education formula. After having made many budget cuts, he has not cut education. I also stated that I feel very fortunate to be working in a community where the people support education. Jackson teachers are hard-working, self-sacrificing individuals. I am confident our teachers always put the students first.

Governor Holden did an excellent job of explaining his plan. Emphasizing that educating our children must be a team effort, he challenged teachers, parents and students to work together to improve our schools. I appreciate the fact that Governor Holden sees education as an investment in our future and is genuinely concerned about the progress of our students. His statements were positive and encouraging. I regret that my statements were used in a critical context.


Social Studies Teacher

Jackson High School

Jackson, Mo.