
Community service is cornerstone

Recent events have caused us all to reflect on life as we know it in America. In church the Sunday after Sept. 11, we sang many songs I learned growing up here in Cape Girardeau. My heart filled with pride when I looked around and saw that most people were able to sing without looking at the words.

When the Pilgrims came to the new land, most came to escape religious persecution. There was a spirit of helping one another in this untamed land. As the colonies became developed, different religions flourished and were accepted. People worked side by side. When the colonists could no longer take taxation without representation, men volunteered to fight.

My pointt: No matter what religion or background, the American people have always come together to do what they can to make their community and their country the best it can be. In my humble opinion, this is the best country there has ever been. How many American refugees have you seen in other countries?

I don't know what the statistics are, but I would be willing to guess the United States has more religious organizations and service clubs than any other country by far.

What I would like to instill is action. If you are already involved in the community, great. Maybe a little bit of new vigor will let you reach new heights. If you aren't that involved, this is the land of opportunity. Cape Girardeau and Jackson chambers of commerce have lists of all the service clubs in the area.

Over the years I have heard, "That organization does too much. I don't have time." You don't have to do everything, but something is more than nothing at all. Churches do much great work in the community. Get involved there. So many great churches exist in our area which is a testament to the great character of the people who live and work here.

Lastly, if you live in Cape Girardeau, the city has advisory boards that have several openings. Currently, some of the boards are being advertised on public-access channel on the cable-TV system, but more have vacancies. We have some boards that have no applicants.

I'm sure Gayle Conrad, our city clerk, would be happy to give you a list of boards and an application. Call her at 334-1212.

Many times when I'm off to another meeting, I ask my wife "Now why am I doing this?" Then my words come back to haunt me. She says, "Honey, you always said you wanted to make a difference."

The best is yet to come. Volunteer your time to keep the cornerstone of America in place.

Matt Hopkins is a Cape Girardeau city councilman in Ward 5.
