Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

My family ties were strong. There was much respect, love, compassion and loyalty among us. I feel blessed to be able to boast of this. I am sure others can also.

My twin sister and I were the last remaining family. Now I am. We were so very close. Only death could part us seven years ago. Each day, I am reminded of memories we shared.

When my twin sister attended college in Nashville to earn her master's degree in library science, we wrote a postal card twice a day. Our handwriting was so small one of our cards rests at a museum in Nashville. Although I do not reveal my heartache, it is still there.

I have learned much of the same respect, loyalty and love exists between David Limbaugh and his brother, Rush, two prominent young men, much-respected and much-admired. David writes for WorldNetDaily. His columns are being syndicated by Creators Syndicate, and they are being published in the Southeast Missourian.

Time and again, David has been offered slots as a commentator and was reluctant to accept lest he would dim the popularity of his brother. Such loyalty is indeed commendable.

I give credit, in part, for the success of both to their mother, Millie Limbaugh, who is their greatest supporter.

I eagerly look forward to David's column and wish both brothers further success in the separate careers.


Cape Girardeau