Letter to the Editor


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Jim Bishop, Leon Jansen, Jim Tlapek, William Kuss, David Erlbacher, the late L.C. "Bud" Blattner, Ernest Beussink and Joe Mirgeaux.

Dear Editor:

Patience and prayers bring results

Many days, months and years of frustration and hope followed the flood of 1973 when a group of citizens and businessmen gathered at the Colonial Federal building on Broadway seeking a solution to our problem. Regretfully, there was very little encouragement given to the group at that meeting. But in the case of many of us, there was more than feelings at stake as everything we ever worked for was vested in our properties.

With the help of our friend and attorney, the late Jack Oliver, we campaigned on our own by raising funds for legal and other needs to form an entity; a levee drainage district.

This being completed, we received a major shock when our friend and attorney, Jack Oliver, passed away. During all of this trauma, we had experienced another flood. One of greater intensity, the flood of 1977. This flood probably was a blessing in disguise as it prompted more determination in the group to persevere and conquer.

With the help of the Corps of Engineers and changes in our city administration, we were able to take temporary measures following the devastating flood of 1986. With the help of the group, business community and the good people of this community, we were able to raise $555,000 in funds to re-channel part of the Cape LaCroix Creek for temporary relief.

At this point and time, a number of positive things happened. The district was transferred to the city, which is turn successfully passed a one-fourth cent sales tax to fund their portion of the project, some $8 million. A group including County Commissioner Gene Huckstep; Mayor Rhodes; City Manager Fischer; Dr. David Crowe, DDS; and others met with Congressman Emerson, Senator Bond and member of the Appropriation Committees in Washington D.C. showing the sincerity of the city and its people in participating in this most important project.

Monday, Nov. 4 this year, we witnessed the fruits of our labor with the groundbreaking of a $40 million flood control measure, which will add a great degree of quality to our city and to this aggressive area which at one time was considered only suitable to be a green area by some.

We wish to thank the good people of this community who worked so diligently with us to make this possible.


Former board members of Cape LaCroix, Walker Creek Drainage and Levee District:

Jim Bishop, Leon Jansen, Jim Tlapek, William Kuss, David Erlbacher, the late L.C. "Bud" Blattner, Ernest Beussink and Joe Mirgeaux.