Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

The proverbial fat lady has not yet sung, but it would appear that the gambling parasites will probably invade our shore. Nonetheless, as the Boyd and Yes Groups indulge in full-page ads and other forms of self-congratulations, let them remember that there are a substantial number of Cape citizens who still feel that this is all a giant mistake.

The yes "mandate" was indeed slim. Citizens opposed to riverboat gambling carried the day in June and nearly did it again this month. In addition, the feeling hangs heavy in the air that the recent election was bought: massive advertising campaigns based upon undocumented assumptions of gambling's benefits, at least one Yes Group member on the Boyd payroll, a new VCR given as a prize to the Southeast Missouri State dormitory with the highest voter turnout, etc. It will take a long time to dispel these feelings.

Appreciation is due those who led and those who worked hard (without reward or pay) to defeat an issue which they thought was not in the community's best interest. I would also congratulate the citizens of Scott County for seeing through the deception of big gambling hype and voting down the proposal for the port authority.

Jim Fletcher

Cape Girardeau