Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, believing that the Bible is God's Word and that the Bible speaks clearly and directly on the matter of proper human sexual behavior, does not -- in any way -- support homosexual behavior or the idea that masturbation is healthy.

"The Holy Scriptures teach, and therefore The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod affirms, that homosexual behavior is intrinsically sinful and that masturbation falls short of the Creator's intent for his good gift or human sexuality," said Dr. A.L. Barry, president of the 2.6 million-member denomination.

Barry made his comments Oct. 20 in response to questions being raised following the release by another Lutheran church body of a study on human sexuality.

"The Holy Scriptures teach clearly that God's gift of human sexuality is to be expressed within the union of one man and one woman in holy matrimony. Furthermore, Holy Scripture specifically warns against the sin of homosexuality and other sexual sins. Because of what Holy Scripture teaches us, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod welcomes the opportunity to affirm this Biblical vision of marriage and human sexual behavior.

"We realize that there is a great need today to be sensitive to the many questions which are being raised in our culture in regard to human sexuality. Our goal is The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is to minister faithfully, patiently and lovingly to the various complex and perplexing situations people face today in regard to their sexuality. We wish to share with them our confident trust in Jesus Christ who came to give us life and to give it abundantly through the full and free forgiveness of our sins. To that end, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pledges itself to be of service when and where it can."

Rev. David V. Dessan

Rev. Steven A. MacDougall

Michael D. Liese

Rev. F. Donald Reder

Trinity Lutheran Church

Cape Girardeau

Rev. Karl Leeman

Zion Lutheran Church, Gordonville

and St. Paul Lutheran, Chaffee

Rev. Gerald Wittmaier

Zion Lutheran Church

Poplar Bluff

Rev. Barry Pfanstiel

St. Andrew Lutheran Church

Cape Girardeau

Rev. Robert Henrichs,

St. Paul Lutheran Church
