Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I would like to offer a response to the letter written by James L. Fletcher Jr.

As a small business owner and a member of the Yes Group Steering Committee, I have been spurred into action. The Yess Group Steering Committee consists of 50 members from the business, educational and private community. For too long we have let a few willing advocates speak for the group.; While I have always agreed with and supported these representatives, I realize now that these few should not have to stand alone in the line of fire.

I have no excuses for my lack of participation on the front line, and I do not speak for the rest of the Yes Group Committee. However, I can certainly understand their hestitation to be vocal when faced with veiled threats of loss of patronage because they choose to exercise their right to support riverboat gambling.

I am not "flushed with excitement" over the possibility of more business, although it is certainly welcome. I am concerned about the lack of new business opportunities in Cape.


Cape Girardeau