Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editor,

This is in response to the "Whimps and whiners" column written by Jay Eastlick. I agree with his arguments regarding the intrusion of government into our personal lives. I believe that smokers should be left alone and that we shouldn't keep burdening them with new regulation and taxation.

However, Mr. Eastlick throws out all logic by lumping automobile driving, ingestion of high-fat foods, inactivity, and sex with cigarette smoking. Non-smokers are forced to inhale second-hand carcinogens whereas non-smokers can CHOOSE whether or not to drive, eat high-fat foods, be inactive, or engage in sex.

Mr. Eastlick misses the boat on this point.

Furthermore, how would Mr. Eastlick feel if people would spit on him everyday. At least spitting is not linked to lung cancer, like smoking is.

The smoking issue is a question about individual liberty. It is the rights of the smoker vs. the rights of the non-smoker not to have to breathe dangerous carcinogens. I would suggest that Mr. Eastlick look into this issue rather than make personal attacks by calling non-smokers "wimps and whiners."


Cape Girardeau