Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editor:

On behalf of residents and others interested in the improvement of Cape Girardeau, I would like to offer my assessment of the advantages of locating the proposed riverboat gaming development in the Giboney-Houck area of the city.

The Giboney-Houck area is comprised of the area south of the existing bridge to the intersection of Highway 74 at Sprigg Street. This area has not enjoyed significant economic growth and development historically and many Cape residents have long desired to "do something" to make this area more economically and aesthetically attractive. Lady Luck's development proposal offers us an opportunity to enhance all of Cape -- its location offers many advantages over the proposed location north of the downtown area.

1) Traffic Access. The Giboney-Houck area, being located directly south of the Mississippi River bridge, will be served by Highway 177, Highway 74 (Illinois 146), William Street, and by the new College Street Extension, once opened. This will allow for an easy flow of traffic to and from the facility and downtown, without imposing an undue traffic burden on the streets of downtown Cape. In addition, the proposal requires little or no additional road improvements. The facility would be within walking distance of downtown, while the bulk of the traffic flow is maintained away from that area. In addition, the trolleys proposed by Lady Luck will stimulate more business downtown than is likely with congested downtown area streets.

2) The restoration of the St. Vincent's Seminary's main building would be a major plus to the community. While there is an existing proposal for this restoration on the table, no funding for it appears to be forthcoming. The riverboat gaming development currently being proposed for the Giboney-Houck area does include restoration of this facility.

3) The new Riverboat, the centerpiece of the proposal, would be highly visible, enhancing the waterfront. The northern downtown proposal would require concealing the riverboat behind the concrete level wall.

4) The proposed site offers a large amount of property on the river side of the Railroad tracks. This provides ample room for a true riverfront development. Lady Luck's proposal includes the establishment of a marina in the area, which would be a wonderful addition to the riverfront area.

5) The Giboney-Houck area includes two city parks, Ranney Park and historic Fort "D", both within walking distance of the proposed development. Fort "D", presently a hidden gem within the city, could later be restored to its historic prominence and splendor. The proximity of these parks to the development provides ample opportunity for the city to utilize this property to it's maximum potential. The sports complex at Shawnee Park is a short drive away.

6) The increase in activity, traffic and development south of the downtown area would provide a great potential for its renewal. Coupled with the improvements due to the new Mississippi River bridge, the potential is great for a southward expansion of the downtown area, with a revival of the Good Hope Street commercial district.

7) The long-neglected Giboney-Houck area would likely see a renewal, as the increase in commerce in the area would provide an incentive for improvement.

It is our understanding that Lady Luck also will contribute $5.5 million in its first year to the city and community. Lady Luck projects it will contribute $3.7 million annually thereafter. This financial commitment, along with Lady Luck's $58.3 million family entertainment development, demonstrates a substantially larger financial commitment than what the Boyd Group is offering, and represents a serious long-term commitment to Cape. Without question, Lady Luck's development will benefit everyone in Cape.


Cape Girardeau