Letter to the Editor


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Here are excerpts from the latest bacht of letters to the editors regarding Amendment 7 (Hancock II):

To the editor:

...Missourians life in one of the lowest tax states in the country. A vote of the people is required on all increases in taxes that exceed the original 1980 Hancock Amendment limits. If Amendment 7 is as benign as Mel Hancock suggests, then we don't need it. If it is a sdestructive as anti-Amendment 7 forces contend, then we also don't need it. So it all comes back down to trust. Who do you trust? Mel Hancock, whose major claim to fame was as author of the original Hancock amendment, which he now admits didn't do what he thought it would? Or do you trust John Danforth, Mary Kasten and the multitude of business groups, politicians of both parties, economists, educators and neighbors who oppose Amendment 7?


Cape Girardeau

...Amendment 7 will hurt all of us, because it is retroactive to 1980. We could survive if from the day it was passed foward citizens could vote on new taxes. The fact it is retroactive will hurt us all. Please wake up, Missouri, and realize we will become the laughingstock of the country if we allow the programs we all have worked so hard to improve are reduced. Please vote no on Amendment 7.



...This is to applaud your Oct. 23 editorial position on Hancock II. the potential negative impact of the Hancock Amendment on the state of Missouri may be arguable, but it is certainly unclear. This should be reason enough to vote no.


Cape Girardeau

...Amendment 7 would cut public safety funding, which is a main concern for Sikeston at this time. The combination would make Missouri ineligible for federal aid through the anti-crime bill. If Amendment 7 passes, federal money for prisons and crime-fighting, designated for Missouri will be spent in other states. We son't have our required local share to match.



...The reason that Hancock II is complex is because the politicians took advantage of all the loopholes they could fine in Hancock I, which the people voted for overwhelmingly. Amendment 7 seeks to close all of those loopholes, and the folks in Jefferson City who spend your money don't like that at all. Now we have a chance to do something about it, and we probably won't get another opportunity for a long, long time. Vote yes on Amendment 7.



...I personally have studied Hancock II thoroughly. I have helped get petitions fo it. It should be a non-partisan issue. It covers only one subject: Article X of the Missouri Constitution, which belongs to the people. Let's get Hancock II passed and not listen to the false statements being made for personal financial and illicit political reasons.


Crystal City