Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I must believe, based on my own experience and public expressions, that Cape Girardeau and its environs are most desirable for homes and personal productivity. The Mississippi River and the interstate provide social and economic channels important to the well-being of this healthy local society.

How and by what means do we best maintain the social, economic and spiritual health and even improve upon its quality? Is its expansion solely based on economics, heavily weighted to benefit a few individuals? Is the endeavor a promise of productivity that protects the physical and social fabric of the community, or does it appeal to the behavior where the weaker elements of our will exchange honest fruits of service, labor and creativity for wasteful, idle and sorrowful pleasures?

Your unadorned riverfront will soon be marred by a monstrous scar. Is this what you really want? Day and night a floating prison will neither give you peace nor security. Most of the patrons will soon leave the ramp with a lighter wallet and a sour spirit (unlike those who spend a few dollars to be uplifted by a musical concert at the university or who tithe at their church as they hear the good news proclaimed).

Will these new revenues or taxes in any way offset increased needs to rehabilitate social irresponsibilities already promoted for 60 years by bureaucratic socialists?

A political revolution was mandated last November. This mandate was national but must be cultivated and harvested locally. America wants representative government, not career politicians. Do you desire anything less for your community? Desire better fruit for your endeavors based on the integrity of the spirit, mind and body.

