Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I have in the past written several opinion pieces for the Southeast Missourian on the subject of economic growth in our area, and I have had the conviction to use my name in a public forum in expressing these views. A recent anonymous caller to Speak Out made the allegation that I had questionable motives of financial gain concerning my letter to the editor regarding I-66. To this mystery caller I respond openly.

My belief, as stated in the letter, is that if Cape Girardeau is not connected to any future improvements of the national interstate highway system that provides access not only to the north and south, but also to the east and west, it is a matter not just of future economic growth, but also of maintaining the level of economic activity that we currently enjoy in this area.

The reason I did not use my company's name was that I was writing to express my personal views, not those of my employer. If the caller will recall, these were the same views I held as the city's airport manager. As a salaried employee I would not gain financially. But I am concerned about what our community could stand to gain or lose. This is the community I chose to move into to raise my family when I retired from the military. My concern is not only for the quality of life and opportunity we currently enjoy, but what will be available to my children when they grow up. As a typically selfish parent, I would hate to see them move away as adults in search of better opportunities that may not be available here in the future.

If the caller questions my motives, he is free to come out in the open and answer me in a healthy and valid exchange of ideas via your letters-to-the-editor column. Maybe he could explain his real motives. If the caller really believes in what he says, he should not be afraid to express them publicly using his name. Maybe some open and honest dialogue could stir up real community interest on this subject and other issues of community concern. He is also free to call me to discuss the issues. I am in the telephone book.


Cape Girardeau