Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This country has been blessed by God. This country has fallen from the grace of God because of legalized abortion. If you believe that being a Christian is living a life as Jesus did, then you cannot support abortion. The first nine months of Jesus' life on earth was spent in his mother's womb.

This country has committed many crimes against God, one of them being slavery. Another is abortion. God can no longer protect this country from the evils of the world. Every time an abortion takes place in our country, we're crucifying Jesus on the cross again.

One cannot say the pledge of allegiance and believe in abortion. Life is a gift from God, and only God has a right to take that life away. We perform abortions in this country and have the never to say "one nation under God."

Satan must be laughing at us and saying, "They bought my lie that abortion is OK, yet when they say the pledge of allegiance they think they're one nation under God which can't be divided. They're divided with my lie about abortion, and there is no justice for the children living in the mother's womb who is put to death. What hypocrites they are in God's eyes."


Cape Girardeau