Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

During my freshman year of high school, a boys and girls choir from the school for the blind in St. Louis cam to give a performance. Prior to their performance, they were standing outside on the school grounds waiting to perform. As I looked at this beautiful group of high school students, I felt so sorry for them. They were a beautiful group of students, but they couldn't behold each other's beauty, not even their own, as they were legally blind.

Their performance began with "This Is My Country." Perhaps you are familiar with the song: "This is my country, land that I love. This is my country, grandest on Earth." When they lifted their beautiful voices to this song, I felt chills sweep through my entire body. Tears cam to my eyes. I never had felt so patriotic in my entire life as I felt that day. With no eyes to see this great land, they sang with compassion. It was absolutely awesome.

Only a few weeks ago, my grandson, Elijah, and I were sitting on the steps in front of my house observing the Riverfest fireworks display. Each time a display appeared, I said, "Look, Elijah." He would reply, "Say awesome, Papa." Elijah will not see any fireworks on this Fourth of July. He is in Croatia with his mother, who hopes to minister and bring healing to that land. I have spoken with my daughter only once since their arrival. Nevertheless, as she informed me of the living conditions there, it made me realize just how blessed we are in this great country. Still, it seems most of us are blind to this fact. When compared with many other nations in the world, one can surely say America is an awesome country. Celebrate.


Cape Girardeau