Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Congratulations to the students and teachers at Central High School for a very moving and impressive Veterans Day program.

As I sat in the auditorium and the speakers began telling about the wars from the Civil War to the soldiers serving in Desert Storm, my mind was full of personal memories.

When I was in the third grade, my school was close to the parade route on Memorial Day. Our class walked to the parade, and I'll always remember the elderly Civil War soldiers in their Confederate uniforms riding in cars waving their weak hands at the schoolchildren. Several years later, we had a neighbor who would walk up and down the sidewalks, and we were told he has been gassed in World War I. Then, on Dec. 8, 1941, I was at Tubman High School in Augusta, Ga., where the whole student body gathered to listen to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, over the radio, announcing our country was at war.

Thank you, Central High School, for honoring the veterans from all the wars, and thank you, veterans and servicemen, for the sacrifices made for the rest of us.


Cape Girardeau