Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Concerning the editorial in the Southeast Missourian regarding vehicle insurance: I have corresponded with state Rep. Larry Thomason several times and sent clippings to him from both the Missourian and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. I have also sent this information to state Sen. Peter Kinder and did not receive a reply from him, but Mr. Thomason thanked me for the information. We spend some time in Florida in the winter, and I inquired about the law that state has about vehicle insurance, because I had heard Florida has a good law on the books.

I was told by a person working in the license bureau in Florida that when you purchase a vehicle license, you have to take your insurance policy with you. It all goes into the computer, and if you cancel your insurance, the insurance company notifies the state, and the state picks up your vehicle license.

This sounds like a very simply way to solve the problem of people killing or injuring people and not paying for the damage done. This is not party politics, as both parties have the duty to sign the bill. Something needs to be done. Insurance companies and our states all rely on computers, so why can't the Missouri Senate and House pass such a bill and stop this? No license on the car, and they will not be driving until they get insurance.


Cape Girardeau