Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In response to the Speak Out caller who stated that I, as a Libertarian, would vote Republican rather than waste my vote: I can assure you that I never consider voting for someone who reflects my principles a wasted vote. I feel that everyone should vote his principles, and I feel that there are lots of people just like me who are tired of sending hard-earned money to a wasteful government. I think there are lots of people who think they could spend their earnings to take care of their children and make educational, health care and other choices. I personally am going to vote for someone who is for repealing the federal income tax. This would also help our Congress with its dilemma of curtailing Big Government, what to do with an out-of-control IRS and how to give the money and choices back to constituents.

I believe that anyone who does not register and vote is wasting an opportunity. The only way you can make any real changes is to let your opinions and principles be known. Be well assured that people who are gaining from Big Government are voting to keep them in power.


Marble Hill