Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I sometimes wonder if people in centuries back felt the same anxiety and joy upon entering a new century that is being felt today. Each new century brings many changes. The year 2000 will also.

In all probability, the electric car will again appear. However, several improvements may be necessary for it to be acceptable. Back in 1910, the Oliver family owned the only electric car in Cape Girardeau. I remember clearly its resemblance to a stagecoach: black in color and operated by a single stick, and it moved at a very slow pace.

Reaching Mars has been the desire among scientists for a long time. It continues to be the next big step for mankind. I sincerely hope for that mission to be carried out in the year 2000.

Minds are curious and filled with wonders. Can you believe the robot from time to time has been predicted to become a reality in the year 2000? With God, nothing is impossible.

I am one to watch various news items on television. Just recently there appeared a group of seven girls, all pregnant and attendants on an London airline. All seven described their pregnancies as millennium planned. What special babies these will be. Let's hop all the girls are married.

What met me with distaste on television is the complete new look furniture will take in 2000. The use of metal living-room furniture and metal kitchen cabinets definitely turns me off.

The run on champagne that has left some shelves completely empty will be a happy start for the year 2000, but I fear it could lead to a possible disaster.

I plan to hold some precious moments of the 1900s until the last stroke of 12 o'clock. After that, I will know I have live the longest part of my life. I plan to live to the fullest the time I am allowed, to enjoy, to love and hopefully to be loved.


Cape Girardeau