Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Concerning last week's letter from W.T. Woods, it's blatantly obvious to even the casual observer that Mr. Woods hates Ronald Reagan and basically all Republicans. I believe he would vote for the devil if he was running for office against a Republican.

Mr. Woods blamed Reagan's tax cuts and defense spending for our deficit. Those tax cuts raised enough money to win the Cold War, fund all our needed programs, strengthen our military and give Americans prosperity to this day.

The deficit came from Tip O'Neil, Jim Wright, Al Gore and the other Democrats who controlled Congress, spending more than the growing revenue brought in by the tax decrease.

As for tax breaks for the rich, I suppose Mr. Woods would complain that barbers' cutting their prices for haircuts would be unfair to people who had no hair. Come on. The only people who get a tax cut are people who pay taxes. Who pays the vast majority of the taxes? The middle class and the rich. This fact is well-documented by Congress and the General Accounting Office.

Any American who wouldn't want to give (have taken away) less of their hard-earned money to the government must have oatmeal for brains.

