Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This is in response to W.T. Woods' recent letter:

Less than half of the voting-age American citizens voted in the last election. That in itself is disgraceful. I could reach back in time and tell you of some deals put forth by Democrats. Massive immigration was spearheaded by none other than Ted Kennedy, who could see big benefits of extensive cheap labor, which Republicans also favored. Remember, it takes two to tango. All of these tax policies that took $20 billion here, $10,000 there and gave $64 billion to those out there had to pass a Democrat-controlled Congress. The same is true today: Congress and Mr. Clinton together are to blame for the good and the bad.

Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike, petitioned both houses asking Congress to stop the foreign invasion of our borders by illegal aliens and to reduce legal immigration to reasonable levels. Congress has turned a deaf ear to the wishes of American voters. Democrats seem to like polls. Well, the polls say 80 percent of Americans favored reduced immigration. This should tell you what a bunch of liars we have in Congress. Mr. Clinton says immigrants are responsible for our good economy. If you believe that, don't let anyone know it, or the men in white jackets may come for you.

Now we get to see what the world sees peering through the cracks. They see Mr. Clinton's hog shed: $50 billion for Mexico, $50 billion for Korea, $50 billion for Russia, and now $50 billion for Brazil. The economy that Mr. Clinton wants Congress to give him is the right to make fast-track deals with the rest of Asia, which is in violation of our Constitution.

Big corporations still receive tax money for advertising their products in foreign countries, while folks in Weirton, W. Va., population 22,000, are about to lose 4,400 good jobs as Weirton Steel is being put out of business by Japan. Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore have the tracks well-greased and ready for more fast-track trade. Boy, do these guys know how to snooker the unions, whose wage scales are dropping and whose jobs are going to foreign countries. I wonder when the unions in our country are going to wake up. The old saying is that the squeaking wheel gets the grease. It seems to me the unions need to make all the wheels squeak at the same time. They have been asleep since the Reagan years.

The national debt has reached $5.6 trillion. A panel of economists says the trade deficit, which was $136 billion last year, will approach $250 billion this year and $300 billion next year. This should be an awakening call to all Americans whether they are being smiled upon or not. Yes, Mr. Clinton represents all the people. He intends for you to have a piece of world poverty right along with everyone else. As for the economy smiling on all Americans, hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost good-paying jobs because of Mr. Clinton's fast-track trade deals. How would you like to have 4,400 postcards from all those West Virginia steelworkers?

If you want to become well-informed, subscribe to Middle American News. It has everything you need to know, and the magazine can back it up. And don't trash the good name of FDR by comparing him to Bill Clinton.


Cairo, Ill.