Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In my opinion, Al Gore's plan is much better than George W. Bush's. Gore wants to keep the Social Security Trust Fund safe. Bush wants to give it back to the people to save. Knowing people, I think they would take their money and shop and shop until it was all gone.

What if we do have a surplus in the trust fund? Thanks to the baby boom, there will be people coming along to draw on it. After the surplus is gone, there won't be any to fall back on for future generations, like my family and yours. According to news reports, there are a lot more people drawing on Social Security every day than there are young people paying it in. I say leave the Social Security Trust Fund alone.

If Bush is elected, I want to tell my son he'd better take his retirement money now while it's still worth a dollar and not 50 cents.

The federal government has kept our Social Security safe all these years and has done a good job. The checks are always there the third of every month.


Cape Girardeau