Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

My husband and I traveled to Cape Girardeau late Tuesday morning for the express purpose of visiting the Audubon Ark at Riverfront Park. We were deeply disappointed to find it was nowhere to be seen. There was no message board telling visitors that the boat was temporarily away but would return later.

We went to the nearby visitor's center to inquire about the boat and were told if the boat wasn't docked at the park, then it probably had left to take schoolchildren on a cruise or something.

We decided to wait around and watch the river and barge traffic and have lunch, thinking perhaps the boat would return. It never did in the two hours or more we were in the area.

The day was not a total loss, however, as we found driving into Jackson. The Jackson High School Band Festival Parade was in full swing with great kids in marching bands representing schools from all around Southeast Missouri. The area should be proud of its young people for their wonderful performances in the parade. As the parent of a former high school marching band and later college marching band member, I know the hard work, early hours, aching backs, sore feet and practice that go into marching band. Bravo to band and drill corps members, their directors and their parents.

Back to Riverside Park and the floodwall for a moment: I understand a pricey and artsy new mural will be painted on the hideous-looking, albeit utilitarian floodwall. And it's to be near the Broadway floodwall gate? Across from which Dumpster will the mural be located?


Burfordville, Mo.