Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In 1996, Congress outlawed the use of federal funds for stem-cell research, which always results in the death of the tiniest human beings. President Clinton promised that no federal funds would be used in this way.

Before our congressman and senators adjourn to return to their hometowns to campaign for re-election, they will be asked to vote on a bill that has been introduced by Sen. Arlen Spector. The bill, called the Stem Cell Research Act of 2000, will allow federal funds to be used to harvest stem cells from embryos for the benefit of mankind. Of course this cannot be done without killing the embryo.

Here are the facts about stem-cell research.

It is never necessary to kill tiny embryos to harvest their stem cells. Although some unethical scientists have already killed embryos by harvesting their stem cells, the fact of the matter is that this research has not yet produced a single benefit to human patients.

Stem cells can be obtained from placentas, umbilical cords and even some adult tissues. These stem cells have already proved beneficial in treating brain tumors, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, anemia, strokes and other diseases.

A lot of people say that President George Bush lost his second bid for the presidency because he reneged on his promise to not raise taxes. President Clinton, with the support of Al Gore, has consistently reneged on his promises to the citizens of this country. When are we going to hold them accountable for not only these broken promises, but also for all of the scandal and corruption so long associated with this administration? Will the scientific community and the pro-choice people never be satisfied? How much blood will satiate these modern-day vampires who are snuffing out the lives of millions of babies each year and sucking the life out of every decent human being in this country?

When are we going to draw a line in the sand and then defend that line? Who will be the next victims to be experimented on? If this bill is passed and federal funds are used for this unnecessary research, the government will be funding the purchasing of human beings to be used at their pleasure. Does this sound a little familiar? I thought we stopped the buying and selling of human beings 137 years ago? Please contact your senators immediately and ask them to vote no on the Stem Cell Research Act of 2000. Your senators are set to vote on this right now.


Cape Girardeau