Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I only know Hillary Schmittzehe by reputation, and it is a good one. He has been providing work for people with various disabilities for more than 10 years.

It is not necessary to pay people in a sheltered workshop a living wage. Our taxes are used to help and assist those not able to do everything for themselves. They are not able to hold down regular jobs. They do need a safe work environment, because experience has shown that they can be victimized by co-workers and sometimes supervisors who frequently are impaired themselves.

When I read comments like "It looks like a good business to get into," my first reaction is someone has an ax to grind. This looks like a railroad job in the making. Careless, incomplete and inaccurate reporting may contribute greatly to damaging a man's reputation. I hope you can find someone capable and mature enough to report this accurately and fairly.


Cape Girardeau