Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On behalf of the Cape Girardeau Jaycees and the Southeast Missourian, I would like to thank everyone who took time to make donations to Toybox this year.

We had a record number of families apply for assistance. We provided approximately 1,400 children with toys. We could not have provided these families with these gifts without the generous support of the Cape Girardeau community and the surrounding area. Due to the generosity of our community, we received a record number of donations that enabled us to provide Christmas to all of these children. We were able to provide approximately $50,000 in toys to families in need.

I know that Christmas is the season of giving, but our community goes above and beyond expectations every year to help those in need. The Cape Girardeau Jaycees appreciate your support for the Toybox Trust and would like to wish everyone a happy new year.


Toybox Chairman

Cape Girardeau Jaycees

Cape Girardeau