Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

When my children were teens, we parents often grumbled there was no safe community place where they could go for good, clean fun with others. We heard the common complaint, "There's nothing to do in this town." And we gave the standard suggestions that fell on deaf ears.

Now that my boys are grown and gone, there's a newly opened youth center that is absolutely fabulous right in the middle of town. I'm sure there isn't another around that compares where kids can go to hang out with their friends or meet some new ones. It's like a recurring party every Friday night, complete with music, video games, air-hockey room, pool tables, a basketball half-court and a cafe. It makes me wish I were still 16.

If this community doesn't get behind Freedom Rock on Kingshighway and support what First Assembly of God has done to serve our young people, we are missing a bet. I can't imagine what the church spent to create this club and game-room atmosphere that is appealing to kids who are looking for excitement. It's safe, clean and almost free.

I'm not affiliated with First Assembly of God, but I know the church is offering Freedom Rock with no strings attached to the youth in our community on Friday nights as well as offering to rent it out to groups for special events. I hope teens, parents and youth workers will take time to check it out and take advantage of this awesome facility.


Cape Girardeau