Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Skyrocketing energy prices for Missouri farmers will be felt by all of us, whether we live in urban or rural areas. Energy accounts for half or more of cash production costs for nearly all a farm's manufactured inputs. Farmers purchase more than $185 billion worth of supplies, materials and services and sell over $218 billion worth of products and services. The U.S. agriculture sector exports more than $50 billion worth of products, making exports the fastest-growing market for U.S. food and fiber products.

The Missouri Coalition on Global Climate Change has long been active in calling for a balanced energy policy to keep the lights on Missouri. We must protect farmers and ranchers, fire and police departments, industry and manufacturers, and consumers.

This country's global economic leadership depends on keeping exports high, jobs abundant and industry and manufacturing within our borders. We have already lost paper, steel, aluminum and chemical and cement industries to Mexico, Brazil, China and other countries.

It's time to address this issue through a nonpartisan energy policy. Public debate is needed in Missouri.


Executive Director

Missouri Coalition on Global Climate Change

St. Louis