Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Every day 86 Americans commit suicide, and over 1,500 attempt suicide. Dr. David Satcher, the U.S. surgeon general, calls suicide "a public-health problem that is preventable."

May is Mental Health Month. I would like to offer some important information about mental illness and suicide.

Ninety percent of individuals who commit suicide have a mental illness or substance-abuse problem. One in five Americans will suffer from a diagnosable mental illness, and these conditions affect individuals from every walk of life. The good news is that 80 percent to 90 percent of mental illnesses can be effectively treated. The bad news, according to Satcher, "is that only half of adults with mental disorders, and just one-third of children, ever get help."

Contrary to belief, people who commit or attempt suicide do talk about it. Over 75 percent of those who complete suicides did or said things within the few weeks or months prior to communicate to others their deep despair.

Some warning signs: verbal threats, previous suicide attempts, daring or risk-taking behavior, signs of depression, changes in sleep or appetite, expressions of hopelessness, withdrawal or isolation, loss of interest in usual activities, giving away prized possessions and a lack of interest in the future.

Encourage your loved one to take advantage of treatment resources that are available. By working together, we can make the world a better place for all of us.


Director of Education

Community Counseling Center

Cape Girardeau