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The Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce has an impressive record of service. That should aid the organization as its members knock on doors today - hoping to swell the ranks to 1,100.

Cape Girardeau's chamber membership is the fourth largest in the state - and that includes St. Louis and Kansas City. The numbers are impressive considering we're not the fourth largest city. It demonstrates a commitment of our businesses and industries to community betterment. Membership has grown from 325 members just 20 years ago to the current 1,050.

The coming year will be particularly challenging for the chamber. A new president will be at the helm as Bob Hendrix will step down after 21 years. The board of directors hopes to name the new president by July, although Hendrix won't officially retire until December. That should aid with the transition of leadership.

Recruitment of new business and industry remains a primary mission of the chamber. Its participation in the new Area Recruitment Association illustrates that pledge.

The chamber is also looking to relocate. The leadership is investigating the possibility of building new offices in the proposed Osage Park complex.

When chamber members come knocking at your door today, seriously consider their invitation. An active, progressive chamber membership not only helps individual businesses but the community at large. But it is the members that help determine the chamber's future direction. With some important changes on the horizon, now would be a good time to join the chamber team.