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Missouri may be getting a new look for its license plates. A special committee has been directed to hold hearings on new plates for cars, trucks, boats and bicycles.

Granted, it is not an earth-shattering matter. Many Missourians couldn't care less about the color or design of their plates.

But for those who travel, it is hard not to notice the unique and colorful patterns of other state license plates. These eye-catching designs help promote tourism and name recognition. Missouri's brownish-maroon plates with white letters and numbers plus the small-print Show Me State slogan are -- well, to be honest -- rather plain. Even the standard personalized plates sport a simple black background with gold letters, although there is a variety of designs and colors for personalized plates for university supporters, veterans and other groups.

But Missouri shouldn't go overboard. The state should chose one or two designs and allow motorists to spruce up their plates -- for a nominal fee. That fee should cover the cost of making the new plates and generate a little revenue for the state as well. The same one or two designs could be expanded to cars, trucks, boats and bicycles, eliminating the current rainbow of colored plates. As for those who prefer the brownish-maroon, they should be allowed to keep them.

Missouri is the Show Me State. License plates should show a little of our pride and imagination.