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Cape Girardeau welcomed 20 new physicians to town in the past year. About 10 doctors left the community last year due to retirement or relocation, leaving a net gain of 10.

The new doctors help reinforce Cape Girardeau's position as a medical hub for Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. Physician recruitment efforts by local hospitals and doctor groups are paying off.

Most of the physicians represent a medical speciality. Of the 20, only two could be considered primary-care doctors. One is in family medicine, the other specializes in internal medicine.

Cape Girardeau has the same problems as many other towns in trying to attract a sufficient number of primary-care physicians. But Cape Girardeau is still better off than many smaller towns in the Bootheel in terms of numbers of doctors.

Medicine is a major industry in Cape Girardeau that appears to be thriving. Welcome to the new physicians.