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While most of us enjoyed a day off from work on Labor Day and spent the time near a barbecue grill or with family and friends or doing nothing, dozens of area residents were hard at work all day long at the annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon that raises money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Locally, the telethon is a fixture on KFVS12. This year's event was broadcast from Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse of Cape Girardeau and the Illinois Centre in Marion. When the telethon ended Monday evening, $341,124 had been pledged.

This is an amazing feat for one day of fund raising. Thanks to the many volunteers, MDA will continue its research battle against muscular dystrophy and related diseases.

A special thanks to KFVS12 and its sponsors for another successful telethon. And a special thanks to everyone who took the time to call in a pledge. Your financial help is certainly appreciated.