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Some people are nothing short of amazing.

The Rev. Walter Keisker -- age 100 -- falls in this category.

Earlier this month, the Lutheran Family and Children's Services honored the man who spent more than a half century years ministering to the congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Jackson with a "century of blessings" dinner party.

He remains quick-witted and involved in the community. He still conducts Bible studies, and remains active in the Cape Girardeau Historical Society and the Jackson Chamber of Commerce.

He keeps up with the news and applies the word of God to the time we live in. He's not afraid to share his thoughts, both with people and through letters to the editor in this newspaper.

Keisker has seen much in his 100 years. His birth predates the invention of the automobile and airplane.

But he has taken life's progress in stride as he has worked to share God's word in a changing world.

He graduated from Concordia Lutheran Seminary in St. Louis in 1923 and first served as pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Flat River, now Park Hills. Think about it: That was 75 years ago.

Keisker's belief and love of people haven't diminished since that time. He remains a shining light, an example of how quiet men of faith can move mountains.