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There's no better bargain in town for senior citizens.

Cape Girardeau's Senior Center serves up conversation, activities and a nutritious, hot meal each Monday through Friday. The center is hoping to spread the word to reach even more potential patrons.

The center averages about 215 meals per day in its impressive facility on Clark Street near the public library.

The program has been part of the community for nearly a quarter of a century. It will celebrate 25 years in April.

The center is also working hard to pay off the building debt. In 1992, seniors raised enough money to purchase the property at 921 N. Clark and build the center. About $300,000 remains on the debt, which is being paid off through donations and various fund raisers.

The center itself is self-supporting. Only the meal program is subsidized by the government, which means hot meals come at a very reasonable price.

The Cape Senior Center is a true success story. It offers much more than a hot meal for its participants. Many seniors forward to their daily visits for friendship, discussion and fun. So spread the word.