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Democrats claim their attempts to keep St. Louis polling places open past the 7 p.m. closing time Tuesday was simply an effort to let everyone who wanted to vote cast ballots.

This is a sham at best and an outrageous attempt to manipulate the final tally at worst.

The Democratic operatives who found a judge to order three more hours of voting knew full well that Missouri law requires polling places to let anyone in line at 7 p.m. to vote, no matter how long it takes.

No judge's order was required.

What the Democrats wanted -- and what an appellate judge speedily overruled -- was an opportunity to get more voters to the polls.

Al Gore himself got caught up in this tomfoolery by calling a St. Louis radio station in an effort to make a personal appeal for his supporters who hadn't voted to go to the polls after 7 p.m. Fortunately, the radio station declined to aid and abet his ill-conceived intent.