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After a slight reprieve over the weekend, area residents will deal with rising temperatures that promise to worsen as June turns to July.

For most people, the prospect of facing summer without air conditioning is inconceivable. We've become accustomed to walking from our air-conditioned homes to our air-conditioned cars to our air-conditioned jobs.

But there are hundreds of people in this area whose finances don't allow them to buy so much as a fan. That's where the Salvation Army and East Missouri Action Agency are helping. The Salvation Army gave away 300 fans last year and plans to give away more this year. The EMAA helps with utility bills, air-conditioning units and fans.

We encourage donations of fans at the Salvation Army in Cape Girardeau. Inexpensive box fans that run day and night for months don't last, so many who received fans last year will need new ones this year.

If we work together, we can keep people alive this summer.