Letter to the Editor

Bearing arms for defense

In 2008, candidate Barack Obama privately mocked religion and gun owners. He said, in part, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them." Those words define his ideology. Despite the fact that Islamic terrorism has spread worldwide and the FBI is overwhelmed with terror investigations in all 50 states, this president sees the 2nd Amendment as the problem.

In addressing the nation on Sunday after the worst terrorist attack since 9/11, President Obama once again called for tighter gun purchase controls, igniting another debate on our constitutional right to bear arms.

American citizens are not fourth graders. They know Islamic Jihad when they see it, whether it be Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, the attack on the military training center in Chattanooga, and now, the massacre in San Bernardino. As a reaction, Reuters reported that gun retailers are seeing surging gun sales. Even after the Paris attacks, the FBI said they processed over 185,000 background checks for gun purchases after America's busiest shopping day, Black Friday.

While President Obama lectures the nation on Muslim sensitivities and global warming, the average American citizen is concentrating on global jihad, and making preparations to protect their families from Isis-inspired domestic terrorists who live among us.

While our commander-in-chief continues to downplay the dangerous reality the homeland faces, the clock continues to tick, and the next attack is no longer a theoretical possibility, it is imminent.