
Downtown golf

Get your golf club ready for the First-Ever Eighth Annual Louis J. Lorimier Memorial World-Famous Downtown Golf Tournament.

This isn't your typical round on the greens, but Sunday afternoon downtown Cape Girardeau will turn into a course with golfers hitting BirdieBalls and raising money for the Red House Interpretive Center.

The tournament begins at 1:30 p.m. at the gazebo at the Common Pleas Court House. A catfish buffet follows at 3:30 p.m. at Port Cape Girardeau's Yacht Club.

The registration fee is $25 through Wednesday. Registration continues through Sunday, though not at the $25 charge. An entry form appeared in Monday's Southeast Missourian. You also may sign up at the Arena Building.

Checks should be made payable to City of Cape Park Development Foundation, with "Red House" in the memo. The entry fee includes BirdieBalls and the catfish buffet. T-shirts will be available to the first 100 entries. Strike pads will be used to protect playing surfaces and your golf club.

This tournament has enjoyed success in past years, and it's a great combination of fun while supporting the Red House. We appreciate the organizers' work to help make this happen.

For more information, call the Parks and Recreation office at 339-6340.
