
Give $5, Tell Five

When times are tough, charitable organizations are among the first to feel the pinch. Meanwhile, demands for services provided by food banks and other assistance agencies are on the increase.

So how can the gap between donations and demand for services be closed?

The United Way of Southeast Missouri has a plan.

The United Way annual campaign, which officially ends March 31, is expected to fall short of its $1.275 million goal by as much as $75,000. Funds from the campaign are used to support United Way agencies and for initiatives that meet local needs.

Now the United Way has launched another campaign: Give $5, Tell Five.

This fundraising effort is aimed at those who, for one reason or another, may not participate in the annual campaign. Give $5, Tell Five is not an attempt to make up the shortfall in the annual campaign. Instead, it is intended to raise funds to meet the immediate needs of individuals affected by the current economy, maybe through the loss of a job.

If you can spare $5 -- about three cups of coffee at most local restaurants -- this would be the time to send a donation to United Way.

You can get more information about Give $4, Tell Five by contacting the United Way at 334-9634.
