Letter to the Editor

Motorists should heed bridge signs

To the editor:

The bridge over 35 Ditch in Scott County, Mo., was made impassable by the erosion of the dirt under the roadway approach and damage to the bridge structure by the tremendous pressure of the water and trash that resulted from the torrential rains and the break in the levee around the Lower Caney Basin.

When the highway department repaired the barriers holding the fill dirt under the roadway approach and began repairing the surface of the approach, people began moving the barriers and crossing the bridge. More recently cones and signs have been stolen.

Because the structural damage wasn't apparent, no consideration was given to the fact that fresh concrete and other repairs needed time to set properly. Since this is the third attempt at repair, there may still have to be further work done.

Not only are these motorists endangering themselves and others, they are risking further damage to the bridge that would cause an inconvenience that would last a lot longer than the few minutes it takes them to take the detour around the bridge.

Please take notice of the signs and be safe.