Letter to the Editor

Events draw faithful opposed to abortion

To the editor:

When Jesus returns, will he find faith upon the earth? Do we live two lives, the secular life and the spiritual life of values? Do you say, "I think abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide or sodomy are morally wrong, but I wouldn't want to impose my morals on everyone?" Every time we refuse to impose our morals on others, we become complicit in the legalization of these crimes.

Christianity is not just another choice. Silence is deadly to the unborn and the helpless in America today. Christianity calls us to declare that these rights to abortion and all of the rest are an offense to God. The Ten Commandments are also natural law. Even pagans know that it is wrong to steal, rape or murder. Upholding unjust laws doesn't impose on other religions, but sodomy and murder do.

Sunday is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Do you have the courage to come to the Cemetery of the Innocents at South Silver Springs Road at 2 p.m. to pray for the rights of the unborn? Better yet, do you have the courage to attend the March for Life Jan. 22 in Washington, D.C.? This year for the first time we have three busloads traveling to Washington. Have you the courage to make your concerns heard?


Cape Girardeau