Letter to the Editor

Levi's story was superb journalism

To the editor:

I am from Cape Girardeau and living in St. Louis. I read the Southeast Missourian online almost every day. My husband and I are also the proud parents of two girls adopted from China, and anything related to China or Chinese adoption is near and dear to us. I was pleasantly surprised to read Scott Moyers' article about Levi in Sunday's paper. It was such a well-written, emotional article, and I enjoyed it very much. It brought many tears to my eyes. I have since forwarded the link to many of my friends in the adoption community, and they have also been very touched by it. It was one of the best articles I've read in any newspaper in a long time. I loved how you went back and forth between the past and present. It was a superb piece of journalism. Thank you so much for presenting this story.