Letter to the Editor

School board urged to allow creation theories

To the editor:

It has come to my attention that the science curriculum in the Cape Girardeau School District only allows for the teaching of evolution when teaching creation.

The U.S. Department of Education has interpreted U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding the position teachers and administrators should take: "Teachers and school administrators, when acting in those capacities, are representatives of the state and are prohibited by the Establishment Clause from soliciting or encouraging religious activity, and from participating in such activity with students. Teachers and administrators also are prohibited from discouraging activity because of its religious content, and from soliciting or encouraging anti-religious activity." This means creationism and intelligent design can be taught as theories.

I implore the school board to adopt a curriculum that includes the teaching of a variety of creation theories. Then when children who are raised in church hear theories of creationism or intelligent design presented at school, they will not be confused nor face a dilemma about how to answer worksheet questions, which is what happened to my fifth-grader daughter.


Cape Girardeau