7:30 p.m.
Jackson City Hall, 101 Court St.
Agenda items
* Consider a motion approving the mayor's appointment of members to the Independence Day celebration committee
* Consider a bill proposing an ordinance readopting Chapter 1, Article VIII of the Code of Ordinances, regarding ethics
* Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a settlement agreement with T-Mobile
* Consider a motion approving the mayor's appointment of members to the community center committee
* Consider a motion approving the mayor's appointment of Jason Liley to fill a position as an alternate member on the zoning board of adjustment
* Consider a resolution authorizing the application and required 20 percent local match, and describing local commitments in support of the Downtown Revitalization and Economic Assistance for Missouri Initiative
Information items
* Reports by mayor
* Reports by council members
* Reports by city attorney
* Reports by city administrator
* Discussion of future agenda items
Executive session
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