Items for discussion
* Agenda review
* Appearances regarding items not on the agenda
* Planning and Zoning Commission report
Closed Session
Items for Discussion
* Legal actions, confidential communications with legal counsel and personnel matters, pursuant to RSMo.
Regular Session 7 p.m.
* Retirement recognition -- Robert McGregor, Parks and Recreation Department
* City council
* City manager
Public Hearings
* A public hearing to discuss the city's past performance in carrying out the Jefferson/Bloomfield restoration project.
* Items listed on the agenda
Consent agenda
* Approval of the Jan. 7 city council regular and closed session meeting minutes.
* An ordinance amending the code of ordinances by changing the zoning of property at 1000 N. Sprigg St.
* An ordinance amending the code of ordinances by changing the zoning of property at 200 Morgan Oak St.
* An ordinance amending the city code by establishing stop signs at various locations along Veterans Memorial Drive
* An ordinance amending the city code, by establishing a reduced speed limit on Veterans Memorial Drive.
* An ordinance amending the city code, by establishing no parking anytime along a portion of Veterans Memorial Drive.
* An ordinance amending the city code, by establishing yield signs along Veterans Memorial Drive.
* An ordinance authorizing the city manager to accept and execute a permanent utility easement from Sam's Real Estate Business Trust.
* An ordinance authorizing the city manager to execute a contract for sale of real estate with Southeast Missouri State University Foundation.
* An ordinance authorizing the city manager to execute a memorandum of agreement with Southeast Missouri University for various improvements.
* Accept the water and sanitary sewer improvements in Woodland Place Subdivision.
Items removed from consent agenda
New ordinances
* An ordinance approving the record plat of Russell Subdivision.
* An ordinance approving the record plat of Walden Park Phase 3, in the city of Cape Girardeau. First reading.
* An ordinance authorizing the city manager to execute a federal aid supplemental agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the extension of the Riverwalk Trail.
* An ordinance amending the city code, by repealing the establishment of a one-way street along a portion of Spanish Street.
* An ordinance amending the city code, by repealing no parking anytime along a portion of Spanish Street.
* An ordinance appropriating funds for operating expenditures, capital expenditures and transfers for the fiscal year ending June 30.
* An ordinance appropriating moneys for capital expenditures from the casino revenue fund for the fiscal year ending June 30.
* Appointment to the tree board
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