In the days when Route 66 was the predominant East-West corridor across an ever-growing America, Highway 25 was a main North-South junket between the Bootheel and Cape Girardeau County.
That Highway 25 heritage is being kept in mind Memorial day weekend, as the annual 100 Mile Yard Sale is held, form Jackson to Kennett, along the highway.
Yard sales will be held along the route, in such towns as Jackson, Gordonville, Dutchtown, Bloymrere, Delta, Advance, Aquila, Bloomfield, Dexter, Bernie, Malden, Clarkton, Holcomb, Frisbee, White Oak and Kennett.
Jackson has a unique opportunity, as the starting point of the drive. The Jackson Chamber of Commerce and local merchants are striving to take advantage of the situation.
"We've been getting a lot of calls," said Linda Wilson, chamber executive secretary, noting that tour busses will be arriving. "Jackson is the starting point of it, so we're going to have a table set up on the courthouse lawn, with a starting banner.
"We'll be selling T-shirts and will have Jackson merchandise up there to see, as well as maps and visitors guides."
The booth will open Thursday at 6 a.m. Thursday (May 25) through 10 a.m. Saturday.
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