Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Given the avowed positions of our elected federal and state representatives and the editorial policy of the Republican Southeast Missourian, residents of this state, particularly those in Southeast Missouri, might be forgiven for thinking that to be a Republican one must adopt a devoutly committed anti-environmental philosophy.

While locally this may be the case, it should not be, since nationwide it is not. Residents of the area who feel a general sympathy for Republican positions in the social or fiscal arena should know that there exists a group within the GOP entitled Republicans for Environmental Protection. The not-for-profit organization was established in 1995 to resurrect the GOPs great conservation tradition and to restore natural resource conservation and sound environmental protection as fundamental elements of the Republican Partys vision for America. The organization also works for the election of environmentally minded GOP candidates for office.

The lead article in the most recent edition of The Green Elephant debunks the current environment-versus-economy myth that unfortunately seems to lie at the heart of the Republican movement of this region. Republicans interested in this organization can find it on the Internet at www.repamerica.org or write to P.O. Box 7073, Deerfield, Ill., 60015.


Cape Girardeau