Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Everyone is shocked and disturbed by the killings at the high school in Colorado. Gun-control freaks, including the president, will heighten their drumbeat as though criminals obeyed the law. Politicians will take away more rights. What else dare they do? Media will milk it beyond all limits of reason.

Will anyone ask why this sort of thing was unthinkable before the offspring of the first generation of the Great Society reached high-school age? Will they ask why this didn't happen when motherhood meant Mom at home keeping the house and preparing meals, when fatherhood was predicated on wedding vows held sacred, faith in God and the ability to provide? Will they ask why this didn't happen when sex was between husband and wife in the privacy of the home, when homosexuality was an abomination? Will they ask why this didn't happen when religious symbols were displayed in public places without fear of confrontation? Is it possible that advice a thousand years before Christ from the Old Testament prophet Samuel was right? They wanted a king. He said God was their king. They rejected this at no small price. Until we look to God rather than government for salvation, don't expect things to get much better.


Cape Girardeau