Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

Is there anything one individual can do to instill patriotism in a generation of young people who have grown up in a world relatively free of war? What can be done to re-kindle patriotism in those who have lived through former wars?

Your newspaper featured a front-page article on Friday, January 25, 1991, about a rally held at Scott City High School in support of the American troops serving in the Persian Gulf war. Over 400 people were in attendance. The local television station also covered the event.

I was present at the rally and can assure the readers it was an inspiring show of patriotism. The band and choir gave an excellent performance. David Fuemmeler, Principal, and Kenneth McManaman, a Naval Reserve Commander, emphasized that war is a time to show support for our troops. A local floral shop provided yellow ribbons. Former students of the high school serving in the Persian Gulf were recognized.

One individual was never mentioned by your newspaper or in the television coverage of the event. The one individual responsible for organizing the rally was Laura Johnston. Laura, a senior at Scott City High School, is editor of the school newspaper, president of Students Against Drunk Driving and a member of the Student Council. One week prior to the rally, with the war in its infancy, Laura approached the principal and Student Council advisor with her idea for a patriotic rally.

Through much hard work on her part and the splendid cooperation given her by school personnel, the result was a display of patriotism I will long remember.

If one ever wonders if one person can make an impact and be the catalyst for action, perhaps we can all remember one individual's effort, a seventeen year-old senior named Laura Johnston.

Judy Bane


Scott City High School